Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy Easter!

Happy Spring!! The weather finally warmed up a little so we could go for a wagon ride. I noticed that I will need to place any extra items we take along in the seat compartment of the wagon. The boys thought it was fun to drop stuff along the way like my keys, the mail, and even Oscar's poop bag (yes, it was full). So it was a slow ride with lots of stops to pick up what was dropped.

Easter was spent at Wayne and Judy's farm. Amy, Anthony, and Mia arrived on Thursday. The boys and I went to Britt on Thursday and again on Friday and just spent both days hanging out, relaxing, playing a few games, and coloring eggs. The kids all had fun playing, and good news for me, Anthony and Mia still want to help feed the boys! On Saturday, all of the Tresemers arrived around noon and we had lunch, an Easter egg hunt, and more playing for all the kids! On Sunday, we went to church, had another great meal courtesy of Judy and just hung out for the rest of the day. The boys were very tired and went to bed early that night. Amy, Anthony and Mia left on Wednesday and we were sad to see them go. We had a great time! Thanks to Judy for hosting all of us!!

Carson, Anthony, and Cameron

Anthony feeding Carson

Mia feeding Cameron

Mia and Carson

Mia and Cameron

Carson and Cameron

Coloring eggs!

The kids

Easter treats!

Mia and David playing "tackle"

Kids playing

David, Oscar, and baby Taylor

Egg hunt

More hunting

Carson and his egg



David and Carson


What did I miss?? Cameron was napping during the egg hunt.


Cameron made up for lost time by trying to take other people's eggs.

Cameron and Norah

All of the little ones.

Take two

Carson, so big!

Cameron, Carson



All of us!

Take two.



Grandma Judy and Carson were pooped!

We went to the nursing home to visit Hannah May.


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