Monday, June 14, 2010


So, for a couple of weeks I had been hounding David to figure out a time that would work best for us to go to Michigan. Anyone reading this probably knows him pretty well and knows how hard it is to get him to lock down a time and date for anything! Ugh! We had been dicussing different days to go but didn't come up with anything specific. He was getting ready to take off in the truck and I told him he needed to decide on a time ASAP! Well, he did. He called me back at around 3pm that day and said "Do you want to leave tomorrow?" What?!?! I ran around trying to get everything together in a short amount of time. Turns out I did ok packing because we had everything we needed--usually I forget to pack something!
We had a great time while we were there. We got there late Thursday night. Friday we hung out most of the day then went to Relay for Life and watched Mia and Mike do the Survivor lap. I don't cry easily, but found myself very emotional. It was a windy day, but the rain held off until we were on our way home. Saturday Amy, Mia, and I went shopping with Mia protesting all the way. Amy and I just kept telling her "Just one more store, Mia." Poor little girl hates shopping and we drug her to quite a few places, but it was also a special day for her as she graduated from Kindermusik! Sunday we went to church, had a picnic by the lake afterwards and just relaxed at home the rest of the day. Monday we left for home. So it was a short trip, but well worth it! Can't wait to see them all again next month!
Cameron playing Pretty Princess with Mia

Carson and Cameron at the lake

Carson and Dad


Mia eating her sandwich at the lake

Cameron and Dad


Carson and Cameron playing

At Relay for Life

Take two

Mike and Mia walking the Survivor lap


Cameron and Dad

Meeting Anthony at the bus stop

Walking to the bus stop with Aunt Amy

Carson on the way to MI

Cameron on the way to MI

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